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Feb. 17, 2014, 11:54 a.m.

ABSCIEX & Molecular Discovery joint meeting 2014.

We are very pleased to announce the user joint meeting between Molecular Discovery Ltd. and AB SCIEX.

This meeting will show the new features of MetaSite, Mass-MetaSite, WebMetabase from Molecular Discovery as well as Metabolite Pilot WP from ABSCIEX, practical hands on sessions on these software with the experts and presentations from users on how they enhance their workflows by using our software.

The meeting is address to ADME, Metabolite Identification experts and user of Metabolite Pilot/MetaSite-MassMetaSite-WebMetabase users.

The meeting will be held at the Molecular Discovery facilities in Perugia Italy on the 15th and 16th of May 2014.

The number of places are limited. Please, contact us as soon as possible

Ismael Zamora ( ismael@moldiscovery.com) Gary Impey ( gary.impey@absciex.com)

Meeting Agenda

Download the meeting agenda and the location details here